The first day of President George W. Bush's presidency, he was in conversation with the Democrats about having parties. Mr. Bush said "No," and after that he went to bed early and was up early. In Washington, that's a no-no. So, for six years, we've witnessed the sting of unboozed Democrats and the enemy is Mr. Bush."The Sting of Unboozed Democrats" would be the great title of a book or a blog. Wish I'd thought of it first.
Previous T&G Letters to the Editor:
"Why is Mitt Romney ashamed of Massachusetts?"
"hot condiments cause them to be...interested in sex"
Disgust with that nasty Francona grows
It's that dirty Francona's fault
T&G reader takes on terrorism
Worcester: the San Diego of the East
Is State Senator Barrios a Bush Crony
Rem-Dawg Debate Rages in Worcester
Jerry Remy has "lost all touch with reality"
Tags: George Bush Democrats Booze