Well, it looks like the movement is growing, as evidenced by another missive in today's paper:
Can Francona hold onto the support of Red Sox fans, or is it "time for a change?"Three cheers to the letter writer from Leicester (Telegram & Gazette, Aug. 28) who voiced an opinion that I have held since the Red Sox games began this season on NESN. It's an insult to Red Sox fans and viewers to watch the manager constantly chewing and spitting on TV.
If I had the capability, I would send an e-mail during every game on NESN requesting them to keep their cameras off Terry Francona. Mr. Francona also gives the impression of being impassive and completely uninterested in what is occurring on the playing field.
I also second the motion that Red Sox management should bring in Carlton Fisk or a comparable athlete and gentleman as manager.
It's time for a change.
Previous T&G Letters to the Editor:
It's that dirty Francona's fault
T&G reader takes on terrorism
Worcester: the San Diego of the East
Is State Senator Barrios a Bush Crony
Rem-Dawg Debate Rages in Worcester
Jerry Remy has "lost all touch with reality"
Tags: Boston Red Sox Terry Francona Carlton Fisk Tobacco