Watching the debate reminded me of watching the end of an NHL game where the team behind 5-1 sends out the goons and starts fights all over the ice to try to prove some sort of point. Healey's not going to win, but she can try to bloody Patrick before the siren goes.
I thought Patrick let his guard down a time or two and showed a little anger in responding to some of Healey's charges. I don't think that helps him. It won't hurt him enough to make a difference, but he's done a better job of staying above the fray.
Mihos remains a loose cannon. I'm guessing he must get some sort of an employee discount on Red Bull at his convenience stores.
I remained impressed with Grace Ross. She articulates her positions well and does so specifically. In a lot of respects, the fact that she can't win frees her to speak candidly about what she believes in without worrying about turning voters off. I hope that she or another Green-Rainbow candidate down the ballot reaches the three-percent necessary to qualify the party for future ballots. I'd also like to see a Patrick administration find a place for her. I think she would be an asset.
The only question remaining is one of margin. By how much will Patrick win? Can he get to 50%? Winning a majority of votes in a four-way race would be an impressive feat and would allow Patrick to claim the mythical "mandate" that candidates claim give them the ability to aggressively pursue their agenda.
Tags: Massachusetts Election 2006 Debate Kerry Healey Christy Mihos Deval Patrick