If it would help, I'm more than willing to give the Senator some advice:
Please please please please please please please please PLEEEEEEEASE run for president again, Senator Kerry. I beg of you.
No, I don't actually want you to be president in 2009, but if you'd just run and do well enough to decide against running for Senate...well, that would be fantastic. Then we'd have a real live Senate election in 2008 with some interesting candidates, and we wouldn't have you.
Not that you'd make the worst president...I mean, I voted for you last time and would probably vote for you again if you won the nomination. But I'd prefer you to put up a spirited fight, announce that you will not run for reelection, then lose to Bill Richardson or John Edwards in the primaries.
Then Jim McGovern or Marty Meehan or Barney Frank would be our next Senator from Massachusetts. And you would not.
Think about it, Senator.
Tags: Massachusetts Election 2008 Senate John Kerry Democrat