Or more specifically, you order dozens of them so you can set up a bunny farm to feed your impoverished nation:
An east German pensioner who breeds rabbits the size of dogs has been asked by North Korea to help set up a big bunny farm to alleviate food shortages in the communist country....
Each of his rabbits produces around seven kilograms of meat, says [Karl] Szmolinsky, who was so keen to help alleviate hunger in the impoverished country that he made the North Koreans a special price -- 80 [Euros] per rabbit instead of the usual 200 to 250.
"They'll be used to help feed the population," Szmolinsky told SPIEGEL ONLINE. "I've sent them 12 rabbits so far, they're in a petting zoo for now. I'll be travelling to North Korea in April to advise them on how to set up a breeding farm..."
"One rabbit provides a filling meal for eight people. There are a variety of recipes such as rabbit leg or rabbit roulade. No one buys rabbit fur anymore though, I just throw that in the bin," says Szmolinsky with chilling dispassion.
Tags: Germany North Korea Bunnies