Governor’s Councilor Marilyn Devaney, upset that a beauty supply shop wouldn’t take her check, allegedly hurled a curling iron at a clerk.Well, based on the screen shot above, I can see why Councilor Devaney might be in the market for a curling iron. I wish the Herald had been a little more specific, however. There are a number of different models of the Curlmaster Dual-Heat Spring Iron. Did Devaney's weapon of choice have a 3/8" barrel, or was it the larger, potentially deadlier 1" model?
Devaney refused to comment about the alleged incident. But a police follow-up probe found enough evidence for the clerk to file a criminal complaint against Devaney for “assault with a dangerous weapon (curling iron.)....”
[Clerk Adriana] Latif said Devaney attempted to use her authority in order to bypass the identification requirement, and “threw a fit” after not getting her way.
“She was trying to make me do something that I couldn’t,” said Latif. “I told her ‘I don’t care who you are.’”
According to Latif, Devaney came into the River Street store around 4 p.m. to return a tube of mascara. But since she didn’t have a receipt, Latif informed Devaney that she was only allowed store credit. Devaney brought a Curlmaster Dual-Heat Spring Iron, eye liner and a small bottle of hairspray to the counter to make a new purchase.
Tags: Massachusetts Governor's Council Assault Marilyn Devaney