Shouldn't there be some sort of military escort or something when we're trucking cruise missiles from one part of the country to another? When I was a kid, it wasn't unusual to pass a line of military vehicles on the highway transporting a tank or some other equipment to or from Fort Devens before it closed. You'd think a Humvee or two, or at least a couple of jeeps would escort this type of cargo to make sure that there weren't any accidents. If we require a double-wide trailer or other "wide loads" to be escorted along our highways, shouldn't we have some sort of protocol to escort a multi-million dollar cruise-missile?
And how does it roll off a flat-bed truck? Isn't there some way to secure the missile to the truck so that it won't bounce down the highway in the event of an accident?
Besides, who trucks a missile through the heart of New York City anyway? When I travel south from New England, I head out across the Tappan Zee bridge and down one of the parkways (or even to 287) so that I can avoid the city, and I don't carry explosive munitions.
(via Wonkette)
Tags: New York BronxTomahawk Missile Crash I-95