Representative Flanagan has earned my vote through her strong advocacy for the North County as well as her commitment to statewide causes during her four years as Leominster's state representative. Most recently, she helped secure $75 million to pay for upgrades to the Fitchburg commuter rail line and over $50 million for capital improvements at Fitchburg State College. But any good representative can bring projects home to the district. What sets Representative Flanagan apart is her commitment to an agenda outside of simply increasing local aid.
During her tenure, Representative Flanagan has been a tireless advocate for protecting the health and safety of the children of the Commonwealth. Earlier this year, Flanagan's bill that would criminalize the harboring and exploitation of minor runaways was included in the Comprehensive Child Abuse and Neglect Legislation. In her first term, she successfully fought for increased funding for school nurses despite widespread criticism from closed-minded local politicians who thought she should sit on the back bench and concentrate solely on local aid. Despite her critics, she has continued to fight for increases in school nurse staffing.
Beyond her success on both local and statewide issues, Representative Flanagan has shown that she is not afraid to vote against the house leadership, including her vote to keep Governor Patrick's casino bill alive despite the opposition of Speaker Sal DiMasi and the majority of the house. She is also on the right side of personal freedom, strongly supporting a woman's right to choose and the right of gays to marry.
Jennifer Flanagan's record of bringing local aid to the North County, her strong advocacy for children, her independence, and her commitment to progressive ideals make her the right choice for state senate.
Disclaimer: This is a personal endorsement and does not reflect the views of the Sterling Democratic Town Commitee as a whole. The Sterling DTC has committed to remain neutral in primary races.
Tags: Massachusetts Election 2008 State Senate Leominster Fitchburg Sterling Flanagan