Hey Mr. Bottomly, no one said you have to eat the flies.The Board of Health is prepared to bring a local homeowner to court if she does not comply with an order to clean up her Vincent Avenue house in nine days.
Board chair Robert Baylis said that if Claudia Ezinicki and boyfriend John Bottomly do not clean up the 50 Vincent Ave. home within the set time limit, the board will file a lawsuit with the Worcester housing court....
While the board found the pair's 17 cats -- which Ezinicki rescued from the streets of Boston, according to Bottomly -- in good condition, they had concerns with flies in the house.
Bottomly said that the problem has been resolved, even though he is not happy about it.
"We're strict vegetarians. We don't like to kill flies," Bottomly said.
All of the stomach-turning details are chronicled in the Sentinel and Enterprise.
Tags: Massachusetts Lancaster Cats Flies