That car could hum. And it was huge. It was nicknamed "The Love Boat." Unfortunately, that was more because of it's size and comfortable ride than the prowess of it's owner. (OK, it was completely because of it's size and comfortable ride.)
It had been my grandfather's car, but he bought a 1987 Buick Park Avenue and gave me his old car. Frankly, that was a mistake. Not only was the '87 model a poor excuse for a luxury automobile, but the older car would probably have survived a lot longer than it did had someone more responsible been driving it.
The photo here is of me and my car on my high school graduation weekend. While my sense of fashion was not timeless (although that's a pretty good Miami Vice look, considering that I never watched the show), the car certainly is. I'd love to buy another one and restore it, but it appears that it's something of a classic. The few that I've found on line are priced in the $5,000 range...an awful lot for a 30 year old car.

Now, I ask you. Isn't my outfit above a significant upgrade on what these two are wearing? Thankfully, I don't think I've ever worn anything like this.
This photo is significant for a couple of reasons. Not only is the beautiful Buick hogging the scene, but it is also the inspiration for decades of Richard Simmons' fashion.
Man, the 80s were great, eh?
Tags: Buick Electra first car Miami Vice