The trail was difficult in spots, easy in others, and beautiful most all of the way. The photo at the right is looking south along the trail from Mt. Watatic to Mt. Wachusett, a hiking distance of about 25 miles. You'll notice that there is still snow on the slopes of Mt. Wachusett; we began hiking in early April and some wooded sections of trail still were snow covered until nearly the end of May.
We had determined that we were going to continue to hike nearly every weekend through the summer, cutting the trail into six- or seven-mile segments. We did well until our resolve was broken among a parachuting spiders and swarms of mosquitoes welcomed us one mid-June afternoon. No amount of Off! was enough to rid us of bugs by the hundreds. While we escaped without many bites, we found that subsequent weekends were overbooked, or too hot, or the Red Sox were on, or something just came up and we weren't available to keep hiking.
Photos and logs of many of our hikes were posted in the spring and are available in the archives.