Last Week, Michelle and I vacationed in Canada. We spent two days at Niagara Falls and three days in Toronto (wasting two of those evenings watching the Red Sox embarrass themselves). Here are a couple of pictures...

American Falls.

Michelle and I at the American Falls.

Fort Niagara. The flags that fly over the fort are period flags of the nations that occupied the fort. The American flag is from 1816, the British flag is from the late-1700s, and the white flag is the flag of 18th century France. (Insert your own French surrender joke here.)

The CN tower from our seats at Rogers Centre (formerly the SkyDome).

Two smiling Red Sox fans at Rogers Centre, 30 minutes before Wade Miller allowed six runs in the bottom of the first.

American Falls.

Michelle and I at the American Falls.

Fort Niagara. The flags that fly over the fort are period flags of the nations that occupied the fort. The American flag is from 1816, the British flag is from the late-1700s, and the white flag is the flag of 18th century France. (Insert your own French surrender joke here.)

The CN tower from our seats at Rogers Centre (formerly the SkyDome).

Two smiling Red Sox fans at Rogers Centre, 30 minutes before Wade Miller allowed six runs in the bottom of the first.